05 December 2023

First ecosystem meeting on building the VHT! 18-19 January 2024, Institut Polytechnique, Paris

The first ecosystem meeting on building the VHT will take place on 18 and 19 January 2024 at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France.

With the help of the consortium, the advisory boards, the experts and the wider ecosystem (through public meetings and a public feedback phase), EDITH-CSA has created a first draft of the VHT roadmap. Its main purpose is to identify the different elements that need to be elaborated and supported within the VHT.

The aim of this first meeting is to continue working on the VHT roadmap and ensure that it contains all the necessary building blocks and considerations to realise the VHT. Therefore, the meeting will consist of a mix of plenary sessions and breakouts covering (among others) topics such as clinical uptake, commercialisation, real-world data, AI, ethics, integration of resources, European platforms, incentivization, and new use-cases.

At the end of the meeting, the work (developing and writing) and the organisation (working groups, online meetings, Slack) will be structured for the next 6 months. All this work will be brought together during the second public VHT ecosystem meeting (on 15-16 July 2024 in KIT, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and translated into a tangible 10-year plan.

All members of the ecosystem, including (but not limited to) colleagues from academia, industry, research institutes, hospitals, HPC centres, regulators, notified bodies, HTA agencies, law firms, ethics societies as well as social sciences, citizen and patient organisations are invited to participate!